
Saturday, December 22, 2012

OOTD: Freedom Day (a.k.a. I finished exams)

Hello Friends!

So I decided to post an outfit of the day entry in honor of the fact that yesterday I wrote my last university final exam (hopefully) ever! In celebration, Emma and I had the most wonderful day. We went to her house where we had an awesome gift exchange and I got clobbered by two puppy dogs, then we had a delicious lunch at the Golden Pagoda (Burmese food. So good!). We followed that up with shopping at a few stores before heading out to an out of town dinner theatre where the food was Uh-mazing and the show was the funniest ever! (One of our university professors was in the audience and one of the actors pulled her up onstage to be part of the show!!) After having such a fun filled day most people would call it a night. Not us! When we got back into the city, we went straight to a wine and cheese party to hang out with a bunch of lovely people :)

During all this fun having, I wanted to be nice and warm. I wore a dark grey long sleeved maxi dress with a long sleeved patterned top over it and then a loose cashmere sweater to top it all off. I cinched it all with a skinny belt and added a black knitted infinity scarf. To add even more warmth I wore knee high socks and leggings under my maxi dress as well as knee high boots.

I hope everyone's finals went alright this last month and the happiest of holidays to everyone!



1 comment:

  1. That tapestry behind you looks like a halo. Just an angel!
