
Thursday, December 20, 2012

My First Post!!: Christmas Baking (Matcha Rice Krispies)

Hey Everyone! Welcome to my blog!

Christmas is just around the corner and one of my favorite gifts to give is baking. Not only is it easy on my student wallet but I feel that it's a more thoughtful gift (and lets be honest, who doesn't love baking?!?)

The first thing I baked this year was for my friend Emma. Emma and I both really enjoy matcha green tea, which is a finely ground green tea that is used in ice cream and other treats not to mention drinks, so every year I try to think of a new way to incorporate it into my baking. Last year was green tea cupcakes but this year I found a really simple Matcha Rice Krispie Squares recipe online.

The recipe called for:
  • 3 Tablespoons butter
  • 300 grams marshmallows
  • 3 teaspoons matcha powder
  • 4 cups rice krispies

Basically all you need to do is melt the butter and marshmallows like you normally would for rice krispies and then add 3 or so teaspoons of matcha powder into the pot, stirring it in completely before adding your cereal. I even decided to take this present to the next level by using cookie cutters to make the rice krispie squares into fun shapes!

Voila! The end product :)

To finish everything off and make this dessert gift-ready, I wrapped each treat in plastic wrap (so they wouldn't get dry), then put them in a box I bought from Micheal's craft store and tied it up with some Dollar Store ribbon.

 I hope you guys try this recipe out! I highly recommend them, especially for Matcha lovers!



1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Blogosphere. I'm excited to keep reading, so I'll never be without some Danielle-isms.
