
Sunday, December 23, 2012

DIY personal mugs

Hey Everyone!

This year I've been pretty addicted to Pinterest (so much cool stuff!) and I kept coming across sharpie markers being used to draw on mugs and plates and then baked to make the design permanent. I thought this was the coolest thing ever but instead of jumping right on the bandwagon, I decided to read a few reviews from people who had already done it and I'm glad I did. The consensus seems that if you used regular sharpies, the design will STILL wash off even after you bake it on. This was super disappointing because I had really been looking forward to trying it out.

Then, I was in Michael's and I spotted these glass and ceramic paints.

Basically, you paint onto a mug/plate/glass and either let it dry for 21 days (Ain't nobody got time for that!) or you let the paint dry and then bake it for 30 minutes at 350 degrees F. I think I left the store with every colour lol.

When I was in the store I also saw some oil-based sharpie markers which claimed to be super permanent (may have to try them out), but they were all sold out of a regular black marker so I left without one.

The paints were interesting. I thought they would be easier to write with considering they had a fine tip nozzle but it still took me a little while to get used to it. In the end I came out with 4 satisfactory coffee/tea mugs: 3 as gifts and 1 for myself. I still have LOTS of paint left so I'm excited to use them to stencil on a design or use with paintbrushes in the future.
The Finished four!

What designs do you guys think would look good on a mug? Comment to let me know!



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