
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Book Review: Fuse by Julianna Baggot

Hello my fellow bookworms!

Guess what?! I finished another book! Actually, I finished this one about a week ago and I've been kinda too busy to write up a review until now :( Anyways, as the title of this post states, the book in question is Fuse by Julianna Baggot. Fuse is actually the sequel to Pure which is probably one of the most creative Sci-Fi book I've read in a very long time.

The basic premise of Pure is that years ago, there were nuclear bomb detonations all over the world but these bombs were engineered to alter every living creatures DNA so that you would literally become fused with what ever was closest to you. The main character Pressia Belze is a 16 year old girl with a doll head attached to her left hand. Pressia lives in a world that has grown harsh and dangerous. Not only does she struggle to survive but she lives in constant fear that she will be found by the militia to either be trained as a soldier or be used as a live target. But there were also people who were protected from the detonations. These people survived by hiding in the Dome; a structure built to withstand the DNA warping explosions, but only those of important positions and their families were permitted a place in the Dome, these people now called Pures. Our second main character is Partridge whose father is the single most influential men in the Dome. Why? Because he built it. Partridge is plagued with a need to know about the outside world and to find what became of his mother who didn't make it into the Dome in time. He escapes the Dome and meets Pressia Belze and together they go on an adventure to uncover the truth about the world they now live in.

Fuse, is essentially the continuation of Pressia and Partridges adventure. At this point it's hard to say ANYTHING about the book without giving huge spoilers about Pure, which if you haven't read it, I don't want to ruin it for you :(

I guess the simplest way for me to review this book then is to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. The characters developed in a very fascinating and natural way as well as the events seemed well planned and intriguing. The book left me wanting even more but not in the way that I thought the book could be improved on, but in the way that I want to know what happens next. I suppose I'll just have to wait though. There is supposedly a third book in the works but I haven't heard any release dates that are set in stone.

Anyways, that's all for now guys!



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