
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A fun new way to eat lunch a.k.a. I discovered Salad in a Jar!

Hello my Pretty People!

So, I can't believe I haven't written about this yet because I've been doing this for my lunches pretty often all through January and February. What I'm talking about is Salads in a Jar!

You may think I'm getting really excited over nothing but let me explain. I have been a salad lover for a long time and not those boring plain salads, I try to make mine kinda exciting and a little outside the box. (If I want potato in my salad and I will, god damn it!). The 2 problems I always came across in the past were that 1) if you put the dressing on the salad before hand, it got soggy and/or leaked into your bag or 2) I would have to take an extra container of dressing and it would most likely leak :( But putting your salad in a jar eliminated all my salad woes!

The trick to the jar salad is that the wettest/least likely to get soggy item goes to the bottom (dressing, cucumbers, onions, etc.) and from there you keep adding until the last layer is your leafy green! It keeps everything crisp and fresh AND mason jars have a rubber seal to prevent leakage! When it comes time to eat, I like to first tip the jar upside down to let the dressing distribute and then I will shake the entire thing up before chowing down on a delicious, nutritious salad :)

You will also make everyone super jealous of your super cool salad. Every time I pull out my lunch at work, someone comments on what a good idea it is. To give you guys an idea of what you can put in your salad, mine often contain things like:
  • a homemade balsamic vinaigrette (balsamic vinegar, olive oil, dijon mustard, maybe oregano and thyme if I'm feeling fancy)
  • red bell peppers
  • feta cheese
  • celery
  • cucumbers
  • red onions
  • carrots
  • corn
  • peas
  • black beans
  • romaine lettuce 
  • spinach
  • chicken, beef or spicy tuna
I've also had salads where I've just put leftovers from the night before in a container with lettuce just to see how it worked lol. Turns out romaine, avocado, and lemon roast potatoes aren't too bad together!

What do you guys normally eat for lunch? Comment below!

That's it for now! Till next time,



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