
Friday, January 25, 2013

DIY Cake/Dessert Stand

Happy Friday!

I hope everyone had a good week. I spent mine mainly working and I went to an audition for an animated kids movie about the solar system! It was a blast to try out some different voices. But getting to the point of this blog post. You know how on Pinerest there's always these posts about how to make your own cake/dessert stand? Well, I kept seeing them and thinking to myself, "Why don't I make one of those?"

So I did!

Before I decided to make these cool dessert stands, I looked at a few different DIY's to see what other people were using to create them. The main thing in common from each separate DIY was that they seemed incredibly easy! So yeah, let's get on with the show :)

Here's what you'll need:

  • Plates (ceramic, plastic or glass)
  • Candle sticks or cups
  • hot glue or super glue
I decided to make two different stands and these are the items I used for each.

Constructing these are really quite simple. Buy plates and cups/candle sticks that you like the look of. Wash them to remove any glue or dust or stickers and then decide the placement of each piece. Make marks with a pencil and then glue the pieces together! This is what mine looked like!

Right now, I'm using them as jewelry displays in my room but the next time I do some baking, you better believe I'm going to be using these guys :P

Another thing you can do is paint them. I decided I wanted very simple white dessert stands but you could easily make them a nice bright color.

Comment below if there's a DIY you've been dying to try. I'd love to try it out too!



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