
Friday, January 11, 2013

Chocolate Fondant

Hello again Friends!

So, as I mentioned in my last blog post, I've been working a lot lately, but on top of that, I've been getting pretty run down with an almost cold that has been keeping me from sleeping :( . For this reason, I decided to use my Friday off as a restful, treat myself kind of day!

Days like this usually mean, that I sleep in (which I did), take the time to soak in a bubble bath (you bet I did!) and do some  gentle yoga (just the most relaxing!). On top of that I decided to make myself a special dessert: Chocolate Fondant :)

Chocolate Fondant is a partially cooked chocolate cake, leaving the center as liquid goodness (most people know them as Lava Cakes). This recipe looks quite simple and but it's the baking time that will make or break the cake. Bake it too long and it's a normal cake, not enough and its a soupy mess :(

Here's what you'll need:

  • 65g chocolate (approx 3 wrapped pieces of bakers chocolate)
  • 65g butter 
  • 2 eggs
  • 37g sugar
  • 25g flour
  • 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder
First, melt butter and chocolate. I like to melt it in a bowl over a saucepan of boiling water so that the butter and chocolate for sure won't burn. Once they are melted, let the mixture cool.

While the butter/chocolate is melting, whisk the eggs and sugar together until pale and doubled in volume. This make take a little while and a bit of bicep endurance (lol).

Fold the egg mixture into the chocolate mixture and then add the flour and cocoa. (Folding is essentially a way to gently mix in a folding motion. Still confused? Here's a video!

Spoon into buttered ramekin or bowl and cook for 7 minutes (depending on your oven, may need to bake for longer). I also like to like to sprinkle cocoa into the ramekin so that the cake comes out of the ramekin easier and has a nice cocoa coating (Yum!)

NOTE: I set my oven to 350 Fahrenheit but I'm still playing around with temp and time for this dessert. So far for my oven, I'll bake for 5 EXTRA minutes at 350. It's a work in progress!

Here was my end result :)

As you can see I topped the cake with some caramel sauce and fresh blackberries and strawberries. The fondant had an awesome bittersweet dark chocolate taste which contrasted nicely with the fruit :) I hope you guys try this recipe out. It can be a little hit and miss but eventually you'll get a knack for it!



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