
Monday, January 28, 2013


Hey Guys!

So today, I have a confession to make.... I'm avocados! There, I said it! It's good to finally get that off my chest :P

But seriously, I am addicted to this tasty little food. I recently went to the store and picked myself up a few avocados and it feels like since then, that's all I've been eating. So, I decided to really quickly post a few of the things I made with them. These are all really simple things that don't take very long to make but are just super super tasty!

Let's get to it!

First up is the tried and true (at least for me) Avocado on Toast.

This is literally the simplest thing to make ever. Just butter 2 slices of toast and top with sliced avocado. Sprinkle with a bit of salt to bring out the flavor. This is my go to snack when avocado is in the house. The combination of warm toast and fresh avocado is just so freakin' good!

Ok, Next up is basically just the fancier version of avocado toast, which is avocado and brie on toast!

When we have brie in the fridge, I love to melt it on toast instead of adding butter so one day I decided to add my 2 fave snacks together and Boom! Magic! The warm melted brie was basically made to be eaten with avocado (at least in my opinion).

Next! I made a caprese salad inspired open-faced sandwich.

Basically, just slice up tomatoes, avocado and mozzarella and layer them on a piece of bread. The tomato is a nice contrast to the creamy avocado and mozzarella.

Another, thing I made was an open-faced sandwich with avocado and red hot chili pepper jack cheese.

I found the spiciness of the cheese a really nice change to my usual avocado choices!

Last but not least, I made chicken salad stuffed avocado!

This was so freaking good! The one thing I would do next time is use half as much mayo. It almost over powered the avocado which for me is a big no no. The chicken salad was comprised of left over chicken, red peppers, peperoncini peppers and a bit of romaine tossed in a dressing of mayo and mustard. I don't think I can properly describe how good this was. I'm almost tempted to go out and buy more avocados to try the recipe out again!

For now though, I've used up all the avocados and must resign myself to eat other things in my kitchen.

If you try any of these out, let me know what you think! Maybe we can be fellow avocado fanatics!!

Until next time,



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