
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Soft T-shirts without fabric softener a.k.a. some things are too good to be true...

Hello Pretty People!

So, I debated whether I would post this entry or not but I think the information is still kinda useful (?) Basically, I ran across something a while ago called "brining" a t-shirt to make it feel really soft. I kind of passed the idea by but recently I've come across it again, so I says to myself, I says "Why not?" So I gathered my ingredients which were:
  • Water
  • a T-shirt (I used 2 T-shirts)
  • Salt
  • a bucket
So what I did is mix a solution of 1 quart water to 1/2 cup salt. It took me a little while for the salt to dissolve but when it finally did, I took my two t-shirts and put it into the mixture in a bucket. The directions were to leave the t-shirts to soak for three or more days. I left mine to soak for about 3.5 days and then put it in the washing machine with a bit of detergent. Here's where the experiment/DIY got disappointing. After they were done washing, I excitedly put them in the dryer (last step! Woot Woot!) but when I pulled them out of the dryer approx. 1 hour later........they didn't feel ANY different! I think I would have felt better about this whole experiment if the shirts had felt at least a little bit softer but no, there was absolutely no difference!

*Sigh* back to the drawing board I guess. Hopefully the next DIY I try works out better than this one :P

Till then,



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