
Monday, January 7, 2013

DIY Bird Lightswitch

 What's up friends!

You know what I like about Pinterest? I mean, other that it's awesome? (:P) I love that it gives you ideas that you never would have thought of before! I mean, there is some really useful stuff on there. And even if it's not necessarily useful, it's a super cool/cute idea. Take this light switch for instance.

It's literally just a bird painted to look like its perched on the switch cover but I'm a bird fanatic so you can bet that I was doing this in my room!

To get the picture on the wall, I first drew it on paper. When I was happy with how it looked, I took a pencil and scribbled on the back where the picture was to get graphite thick enough to transfer onto the wall and cut the excess paper away. Then I taped the picture into position and traced over the picture outline with a pencil. What you get when you remove the paper is a pencil outline of the picture you drew (in my case a bird!). This will obviously be your template for when you start painting.

Next, I chose the colour of paint I wanted to use (cream, to compliment my green walls), I also chose to use acrylic because it's fast drying and I already had it in my house! Once you've chosen your paint, you quite simply fill it in!

And this was my final product.

I think this project went pretty well, but I think if I were to do something similar to this in the future I would try cutting out the picture and then sponging the paint on. Anyways, that's all for now folks! 



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