
Thursday, December 27, 2012

OOTD: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day

Hey Pretty People,

So with Christmas come and gone I decided to make one big outfit of the day entry with 3 separate outfits from Christmas Eve, Day and Boxing Day (is boxing day just a Canadian thing? Like Black Friday is the States?) Anyways! Here they are.

This Christmas Eve, my family packed up and drove to Yorkton to see my aunt and uncle on my moms side. Supper there is usually a bit fancier on the holidays so I decided to wear this peachy pink blazer over a light flowered top as well as dark denim. My hair wasn't really cooperating that day, probably because I had just been in a vehicle for a little over 4 hours, so I braided and pinned most of it back. For makeup, I decided to keep everything pretty natural and just do some winged eyeliner. My one piece of jewelry is my grandma's ring which is too small for any of my fingers so a necklace it will be!

 The next morning, we all woke up at my aunts house and had some breakfast before leaving to go home again. (They had to go see the other side of their family). I love this red sweater that I wore. It's super cozy and perfect for a cold winter day. I layered it over a black tank top and another pair of dark wash jeans. I kept my makeup super natural and wore a toque (pronounced two-k, which I guess other people call a beanie) to cover my day old hair. I think my favorite part about this outfit (other than the sweater) is the scarf. I got it as a gift this year from Emma and I've worn it quite a bit since she gave it to me! I decided to add a cool touch this time by sliding a ring onto the scarf and wearing it like a brooch!

On Boxing Day I had the day off work so instead of going shopping I went out for lunch and to a pet store! I should probably mention right now that I absolutely HATE Boxing Day. I've worked in retail for many years (shoes, clothing, etc.) and I usually have to work on Boxing Day which as most people know, is crazy busy...yeah, I'm just not a fan. ANYWAYS, so I went for lunch and afterwards I went to Petland and made friends with a young Jardine!

This little guy was super playful and loved chewing on anything shiny I had on me (I'm glad I didn't wear earrings because he literally tore a piece off of my watch!)

Speaking of what I was wearing! Boxing day was another dark denim kind of day but these ones are almost like leggings so they were ridiculously comfy. To keep with the comfy theme, I wore a super soft white t-shirt with a mint green cable knit sweater over top. Makeup was similar to Christmas Day but with a light coral lip. Accessory wise, I wore a simple watch and vintage looking black and gold necklace.

Well, that's all for now! Did you guys do anything fun or special this holiday season? Comment below!!!



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