
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas gift baking: French Macarons

Hey Guys and Dolls!

As I've said before, I love giving baking as gifts for Christmas or any other gift giving events for that matter! This time I decided to tackle something brand new that I've never tried before and was frankly a bit intimidated by and that is...... French Macarons!

Basically, what these little guys are are 2 meringue-esque cookies with some sort of filling in between. These seem like they would be really difficult to make but they were actually pretty simple! I found my recipe on Youtube from lovelyladycakes (check her out, she's lovely!)

The gist of the recipe is that you beat egg white and sugar together until it makes stiff peaks (like meringue) and then add powdered sugar and almond powder that has been sifted to get rid of lumps. gently fold it all together and add food colouring if you want it to be a fun colour!

After your mixture is ready to go, put it in a piping bag ( or a plastic bag with a corner snipped off) and pipe it onto a baking sheet. After these little guys are done baking, you can put the cookies together with some sort of filling.

For my macarons, I chose to make them teal and use nutella as a filling. If you don't know what nutella is, you must, must, must try it! Essentially, it's a chocolate hazelnut spread that is addicting!

As you can see, I made these guys gift ready with a nice little box from Micheal's craft store and tied it all up with a bow!(I really like Micheal's if you haven't noticed :P)

And there you have it! A super pretty gift that anyone would like to receive.

Hope you enjoyed this post and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!




  1. Every time I eat macaroons I worry that Torvald will jump out and get upset with me. Guess I should just dump him...
